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CBAS Habitat Hero Award
by Gayle Talbot, President
On the last day of school at the Lakeview Terrace Elementary Awards Assembly, Jacklynn Workman in Jackie Jewel’s 5th grade class was awarded the Habitat Hero medallion! Jacklynn earned her title Habitat Hero by not only building a birdhouse and planting seeds for birds to eat from the plant, but she planned to leave the dead plants for birds to use in nest building, as well as to save some seeds to replant for next year. She was thrilled to receive her award and especially the packet containing a native Showy Milkweed pod with seeds ready to fly away, because “they are so fun to throw!” Congrats Jacklynn!
The Pollinator Garden/Habitat Hero Project was presented to 4th graders last year in two elementary schools in May. This coming year, it will be presented to just 5th graders in the fall with at least one Habitat Hero chosen in the spring, so we hope this will help with tracking students who want to accept the challenge of creating a backyard habitat with their families.
Bird Walks
by Margaret Heming, Field Trip Chair
Lind Coulee/Chestnut Orchard Bird Walk
On July 27th, we had a fun bird walk that included exploring Lind Coulee and a visit to the chestnut orchard on the ridge above the coulee. While at the coulee, we could see two mature Bald Eagles watching us from up above! Highlights also included seeing a coyote meander along the water and witnessing two Forster’s Terns diving for their breakfast. Some of the other 20 species seen were Yellow-headed Blackbirds, a Spotted Sandpiper, Great Egrets, Eastern Kingbirds, and a Double-crested Cormorant.
Our group included Gayle Talbot, Jackie Chase, Terry and Jess Kassahn, and me. We were all so appreciative of the homeowners who graciously allowed us to walk in their huge chestnut orchard. We found the Eagle’s nest and had a close look at one of the adult Eagles. Meanwhile, a Great Horned Owl flew low through the trees several times, giving us quite a thrill! We watched one of the many Western Wood-pewees feeding its young on the ground in front of us. Everyone quickly learned the Pewees’ call, as we heard it almost constantly while among the trees.
We also saw many Black-Headed Grossbeaks, American Goldfinches, a Robin, and some House Finches. The event ended with a spectacular view of the Lind Coulee from the homeowners’ front lawn.
Northrup Point/Northrup Canyon Bird Walk
On June 29th, Shiraz Vira led our CBAS Bird Walk to this lovely location north of Moses Lake, up near Steamboat Rock State Park. Many thanks to Shiraz, who took over for me as I was unable to attend. Shiraz was a very interesting guide, and he brought cookies! Joining Shiraz were Gayle Talbot, Jackie Chase, and Vic and Cheryl Rasmussen. The group reported that it was a beautiful day with pretty scenery, habitat, and lots of wildflowers, butterflies and bees. Northrup Point is a boat launch and rest area just off Highway 155, south of Electric City. Birds seen included two Downy Woodpeckers, Bank Swallows, Cedar Waxwings, Bullock’s Orioles, and Yellow Warblers. Across the highway, the group entered the Northrup Canyon area and hiked the trail. Birds in the Canyon included Ravens, Violet-green Swallows, House Wrens, Spotted Towhees, Yellow-breasted Chats, and Lazuli Buntings.
Upcoming Bird Walks
August 24th we will meet at Potholes State Park at 8 AM.
September 21st we’ll be driving up to Sun Lakes State Park, so meet us at 8:15 AM at Sun Lakes State Park at the parking lot by the first restroom area.
For more information, please use the event tab on our Central Basin Audubon Society Facebook page, or go to our website at
CBAS Annual Meeting & Awards
by Gayle Talbot, President
On a very breezy June 14, 2024, seventeen members and guests gathered for our annual meeting, a light meal, and awards at the lovely home of Margaret Schiffner. Officers for 2024-2025 were announced as the same as our previous year. See insert for the list of Board Members.
John Moody, our Education/Scholarship Chair, presented the Ron Van Nurden Memorial Scholarships, which were announced in our last issue. First-time scholarship recipients, Levi Kukes and Walker Fulk, were both able to attend in person, as were McKinley Fulk, a continuing recipient, and the parents of Ellinor Sonnichsen (also a first-time recipient) on her behalf. Jared Goetz sent a wonderful letter and condolences for having to miss this event, as he is a continuing recipient and the whole family usually attends. CBAS is so proud of these scholars!
Margaret Schiffner surprised those who had volunteered for this year’s ARK Program in the elementary schools with a special award medallion and certificate of appreciation. Thank you to Steve and Jane Stiger, Jackie Chase, Margaret Heming, Margaret Schiffner, Gayle Talbot, Twila Herrin, Louis Logan, and Gary Ham!
After door prize winners were announced, our 2024 CBAS annual meeting was officially over for another very productive and rewarding year!
Thank You So Much!
by Margaret Schiffner, Treasurer
Thank you to following for supporting CBAS by renewing their memberships: Jen Stevenson, Steve & Jane Stiger, Othello; Wayne Edwards, Coulee City; Paula Zanter-Stout, Moses Lake; Ann & Martin Schempp, Ephrata; Tracy Cumming and Jess & Terry Kassahn, Soap Lake.
CBAS thanks the following for supporting the chapter’s conservation and scholarship programs with their donations: Tami & Scott Schneider (no address provided); Scott & Jeanne Powley, Neenah, WI; and Smart Payables, Centennial, CO.
Finally, thanks to Naomi Hanvey and A&H Printers for their work on this newsletter.
Bird Watching